
The main idea for my video is that the female in a couple has died, leaving her male partner behind.the video will follow him as he grieves and most importantly tries to move on. He spends time looking through memories of them together. He collects these objects up, from a variety of places and takes them to the living room floor, spreading them out. We watch him as time passes and he just sits there, looking at all the memories they shared together along with other random objects. (There will be multiple jump cuts, showing the passage of time both whilst he's placing the objects and whilst he's admiring them. This idea was taken from 'For Mayor in Splitsville' by the same band)
We then cut to the next day, where he is moving everything to another room, mindlessly, only to realise he's created a memorial to his late partner. (I will use jump cuts to show him both moving the objects from one room to another and adding stuff to create a memorial, once again to show the passage of time) Realising this, he feels embarrassed about it an decides to pack it up, in case anybody sees it, or as the song implies, to avoid the memories of better times they shared together.
He starts to pack things in boxes and thinks about what to do with them, whether to throw them away or to pack them into the loft and hide them away. (I will shoot clips of both of these 'decisions')
(Whilst he is packing stuff up, there will be close ups of seemingly random objects that he is packing away)
He then goes around the house, picking up objects that take him back to memories they shared, such as holidays together. He then adds these to the boxes of other stuff.
(Here is where I will add the photos from London, taking him into video 'memories' of their holiday there.)

[Possibly adding in, possibly not depending on if we can find a suitable location]
Between the memorial and the packing up, the song mentions a memory of passing a graveyard. I would like to get some shots of the 'couple' walking through a graveyard to add in where the song mentions one as I feel it would add a more obvious 'death' feel to the video.
If possible, I would also like to get a close up of a recent grave of a female, fitting the age bracket, to add to the end of the video. Though I know the chances of finding this are slim to none.